Hello I am Victoria, Founder of Vitality Beyond Menopause
My Journey
At the age of 33, I was faced with the unexpected challenges of surgically induced menopause. It started with a routine check-up that revealed troubling signs of Endometriosis, a condition I was battling for years. After exhausting all other options, at least I thought I had. It was recommended to me to have a hysterectomy to alleviate my symptoms. Not knowing what that meant for me and my body, I wish I had done more research. I went ahead and decided to go through with the surgery. What I wasn’t prepared for was the emotional and physical toll it would take on me at a young age. After the procedure I found myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from grief over the loss of my fertility to anxiety about the sudden onset of menopause. The symptoms hit me like a tidal wave, leaving me feeling overwhelmed and out of control. My symptoms range from depression to hot flushes, vaginal dryness, disrupted sleep and terrible mood swings. There were months that I didn't even want to get out of bed and take care of my children. My family did not understand what was going on and nor did I. I had no guidance from the doctors. Despite the challenges I faced, I took matters into my own hands. I realized it was up to me to find the answers and support. Through all of this I have remained resilient and refused to let menopause define my life and health. Menopause is not my name it's a transition and I now have the tools to live a healthy life in my second act. The education I have gained on my own has changed my journey and my well-being!! I look younger, feel better and my health is great!! I decided through all of this, I needed to give other women the opportunity to have the tools and knowledge so that they could make the choices for themselves.