Have you thought about what self-care really is? It's not synonymous with self-indulgence and being selfish. The definition in the dictionary is:
the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.
the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.
In this day and age it's challenging to stop the chaos that is going on in the world and not allow it to affect our everyday life. Your self talk can make or break your self-care process. Words are very powerful and can carry with them vibrational energy. So beginning with words of affirmation will begin the shift and start you in the right direction. Words of affirmation will change your outlook.Self-care is anything you do to tak.I have really experienced what self-care is in the last 3 1/2 years when I lost 6 family members and my husband had a terrible accident and of course, there was the pandemic, ugh!! The pandemic set in motion the standards for burying your loved ones which, took for some up to a year and half. I was really struggling because half the time I wasn't even sure who I was grieving for. I began to really become numb and shut down. Many of my family and friends were very present through this and kept reminding me to take care of my mental and physical health. Thanks goodness I realize I really needed to take care of myself for so many reasons . I now have a new appreciation of my mental and emotional health because of what I have been through in the last several years. I have a new understanding of what self-care really creates in my life and those around me. Self Care is the Future of Preventive Medicine.